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Welcome to my blog, and thank you for taking the time to also visit With the help of a dozen youtube tutorials and intermittent coffee breaks, I made my very first webpage.
I still have a long ways to go before gaining my IT badge, but I did enjoy this challenge as I put forth my most novice efforts.? It is likely that my students design better sites in half the time I took to make this one.? I can live with this though because the students are what motivates me to continually challenge myself as a leader in education.? As a future administrator I believe it is important to challenge our students to try new experiences and that we also challenge ourselves, so this crack at making websites was my attempt to ?walk the walk.?
Throughout my graduate course work, independent research, and even friendly debates with pals after Wednesday night basketball games, I have managed to find my voice on education policy and discover what it means to be a leader in this field.? The intent of this blog post is to share that voice, so I have broken my instructional leadership philosophy down to five key points which all tie into a Nicholas M. Butler quote that I often refer to.
?America is the best half-educated country in the world.?
I believe the United States has many of the best schools in the world, but unfortunately we also have some of the bad ones.? It is not a particular person or group?s fault as much as it is an issue of inequity.? All schools in the US were not created equal.? And if you are a teacher in one of these underprivileged schools then you know what I mean.? Many of these struggling schools operate in unhealthy climates and experience high rates of attrition.? Why, because they?re bad places to work!? The organization?s culture has been disrupted by budget cuts, policy mandates, and consequently high employee turnover.? When these occurrences become the norm, then building learning communities rooted in collaboration and efficacy become more difficult than blindfolded web design.
I believe in our public education system even though some schools are inequitably equipped with tools to produce students gains.? If we choose to close the achievement gap, then we need to address these differences from school to school and acknowledge poverty as an issue affecting achievement in urban and rural poor public schools.? Instead the solution to boost gains has been to privatize schools, silence unions, and replace traditional teacher salary scales with merit pay systems.? If we wish to pay teachers based on merit, then I want to know how we differentiate the the top from the bottom tier of teachers?? If teacher merit is based on standardized test scores, then we will continue to fuel the high stakes testing bandwagon while triggering more cheating scandals.? Worst of all, we will fail to prepare students for the creative economy we are entering. ? The best way to pay teachers is to pay them enough so money no longer becomes an issue.? Name me a teacher that went into education to become rich and I?ll give up my aspirations to instead design websites.? Merit pay is not the best way to motivate educators.? Educators are best motivated by the intrinsic rewards they receive when their students learn.? It is that ?Ah-ha moment? that simultaneously engages the students and motivates teachers to stick around the public sector for a little while longer.
Philosophy Point 1: Creating an Environment Open For Innovation and Collaboration
As a principal I am committed to helping urban and rural schools make organizational change that will close inequity gaps in the worst schools while also keeping our teachers from leaving the profession.? I will do this by adopting techniques that will help build professional learning communities that innovate and operate purposefully to make all our schools equally great.
One way to aid the change process, making schools more open to change and collaboration, is by identifying the hidden components that compete against our change efforts.? A simple way to do this is by developing an immunities map.? This is what one might look like.
Commitment | What are you doing or not doing | Hidden or competing commitments | My big assumption |
I am committed to improving school wide achievement | I am not collaborating with others. | I am taking on too much responsibility while not delegating to other professionals | If I don?t do the work then it wont be done correctly |
(Kegan & Lahey, 2009)
As seen in my example immunities map, adapted from a blank Kegan and Lahey map, the principal is committed to improving gains, but now realizes that her big assumption is getting in the way of school-wide innovation and collaboration.? The discovery of these assumptions can lead to strengthening organizational health.? Another tool that can be used is called Levels of Use, or LoU.? According to Gene E. Hall and Shirley M. Hord, when educational leaders innovate there is an assumption that their new program will successfully be employed (Hall & Hord, 2011). Their research has demonstrated that this is not the case and therefore LoU becomes an effective tool defining the different levels of use.? Hall and Hord break the levels up into two categories: users and nonusers.? The five levels of users are renewal, integration, refinement, routine, and mechanical use.? The three levels of nonusers are preparation, orientation, and nonuse (Hall & Hord, 2011, p.94).
Philosophy Point 2: Invest In The Future, Not in Standardized Tests
It has become a popular trend in today?s society to criticize public education.? Many stakeholders are pushing to create change that I do not see as being valuable to our educational system.? More standardized testing, education privatization, and merit pay are red herring initiatives distracting us from true change.? The charter movement is a threat to our public schools and middle class American values with the deunionizing of our school districts.? I ask where is the evidence that supports the need for more testing and privatization of our schools?? Where is the evidence to prove charter schools or virtual schools are more effective at educating our youth?? Has rote test preparation become our new curriculum?? Do we want an intelligent and thoughtful citizenry, or a society good only at taking tests?
Our students must be prepared for the Conceptual Age because the Information Age is already behind us.? According to Pink, in the Conceptual Age, left-brain dominant people will excel.? As globalization opens up employment opportunities across the globe, the professional qualities in demand will be creativity and global competencies (Pink, 2006).? Many incorrectly assume America was once on top in international test scores.? Just as Reagan and A.N.A.R. sparked controversy and doubt in our education system, today?s policymakers are again grabbing our attention regarding the state of American education.? Now that our attention has been piqued, let us make the right decisions for educational policy in the future.? I hardly believe in this public education apocalypse, but perhaps the heightened concern for our schools may lead to the right decisions if policymakers step up and other leaders in education let their voices be heard.? The Steve Jobs of the world didn?t become successful because they were good at standardized tests.? It was Job?s ability to think outside of the box that made him a revolutionary in his field.
It is ironic that many stakeholders in education today revere the education systems of Asian countries that have in recent years been working to emulate American education (Zhao, 2009).? In Zhao?s book he discusses how the Chinese have made strides to move away from a rigid standardized test culture.? To be a leader it often means standing up for what you believe in.? I believe standardized tests can be one?assessment of student performance, but I do not believe in the stakes we have attached to these tests.? Education must be about preparing students for life beyond the classroom.? After spending five years as an ESL teacher in Asia, what I?ve witnessed is what I would expect.? Extreme rote memorization and test preparation has produced a lot of students with phenomenal abilities for taking tests, but that is about all.? As a principal, I will make my feelings towards standardized tests clear.? I will ask my teachers to do a good job preparing their class for tests but to not lose sight on the greater purpose of education.? I will do my best to support my teachers while taking as much of the standardized test burden off their shoulders.
Philosophy Point 3: Strengthening Teacher Capacity
As educational leaders everything we do must be purposeful with the intent to boost achievement.? There is room to make mistakes along the way, but it is crucial that we learn from our errors to build more efficient schools.? One way I can build capacity as a leader is to adopt Charlotte Danielson?s framework for teaching.? With this framework, administrators can end blind assessments and make the process more purposeful.? Two valuable steps often overlooked in the teacher evaluation process are the pre and post teacher interview.? The principal should take about thirty minutes to sit down with the teacher before and after their class is assessed.? Here are some sample questions the principal could ask before the interview:
Here are some sample questions the principal could ask after the interview:
When principals take time to share the framework process with teachers, the teacher better understands how she or he will be assessed.? Moreover, this is one way for the principal to show support for building learning communities when teacher assessments are done in a non-threatening way.
Philosophy Point 4: Building Efficacious Environments
As a leader I will work to develop efficacy beyond school walls and into the greater community.? Efficacy is important because many of our lowest performing schools are set up for failure before the day even begins.? The privatization movement continues to falsely claim that our public education system is a failure; meanwhile, we continue to underfund schools and ignore the implications poverty has on a student?s chances for success.? We need to believe in our schools, and we need to believe that, ?it takes a whole village to raise a child.?? I argue that the criticisms many make against public education are pointless and do no good.? I believe this because they destroy academic optimism while also failing to offer any real solutions.? The focus is always on the problem, and not how collectively we can make it better.? For instance, I don?t buy a new house when I have a leaky pipe.? I just fix the pipe.? I feel like abandoning public education is like buying that new house when we could just fix the pipe.? The first step in turning a school around and creating a culture of academic emphasis is developing faculty trust (Hoy & Hoy, 2009).? Again, one way we might develop trust is by adopting Danielson?s framework.? Once trust is developed, local stakeholders can begin to develop the collective efficacy needed to innovate and succeed.
Philosophy Point 5: Collaboration and Education
Learning communities are built through collaboration, and without collaborative efforts, innovation will stall.? As a future leader in education I will build a culture of trust that welcomes innovation and demonstrates purposefulness in what we do as a school.? I will work to make schools transparent while also preserving the professionalism of my teachers.? I myself will be visible to my staff and the greater community because I believe the principal must be accessible.? I will try to always answer questions openly and honestly.? Also, to demonstrate that the entire community is a shareholder in public schools, I will look to parents, and other leaders, for help when possible.? I will work to make school spaces available to the elderly, families, or local organizations.? I believe some adults think of schools as I remember the dentist office.? They recall negative experiences of their own and therefore still avoid or have bad attitudes towards school later on in life.? Collaboration is important, and if done successfully then it will also help to build efficacy in our schools.? Like the saying goes, I too believe it takes a community to raise our children.
Thank you again for taking the time to listen to the voice of a future administrator.? I believe my leadership abilities in education exceed my web design abilities in information technology, or at least I like to think so. ?If you enjoyed this blog post, then please subscribe or read earlier posts.
Danielson, C. (2007). Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.
Hall, G.E. & Hord, S.M. (2011).? Implementing change: Patterns, principles, & potholes (3rd ed.).? Boston, MA: ? Pearson Education, Inc.
Kegan, R. & Lahey, L.L. (2009).? Immunity to change:? How to overcome it and unlock the potential in yourself and your organization.? Boston, MA: Harvard Business School.
Pink, D. H. ( 2006). ? A whole new mind:? Why right-brainers will rule the future.? New York, NY:? Riverhead Books.
Woolfolk Hoy, A. & Hoy, W. (2009).? Instructional Leadership: A Research-Based Guide to Learning in Schools (Third Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Zhao, Y. (2009). Catching up or leading the way? American education in the age of globalization.? Alexandria, VA:? ASCD.
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Then again, there's no way for Microsoft to regain the loss of customers that came to prefer Nintendo/Sony now, because WiiU/PS4 have much better exclusive games than Xbox One would ever.
One thing with Xbox is that you can't always expect their exclusives to be permanent, 'cause some of them are timed/partial.
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As part of the Appendixed disclosures in the aftermath of JPM's London Whale fiasco, we learned the source of funding that Bruno Iksil and company at the firm's Chief Investment Office used to rig and corner the IG and HY market, making billions in profits in what, on paper, were supposed to be safe, hedging investments until it all went to hell and resulted in the most humiliating episode of Jamie Dimon's career and huge losses: it was excess customer customer deposits arising from a $400+ billion gap between loans and deposits (with shadow liabilities and assets offsetting each other).
After JPM's fiasco went public, the firm hunkered down and promptly unwound (or is still in the process of doing so) its existing CIO positions at a huge loss. However, that meant that suddenly the firm found itself with nearly $400 billion billion in inert, non-margined cash: something that was unacceptable to the CEO and the firm's shareholders. In other words, it was time to get to work, Mr. Dimon, and put that cash to good, or bad as the case almost always is, use.
So what has JPM allocated all those billions in excess deposits over loans, which as of the most recent quarter hit a record $477 billion and rising as shown in the chart below:
Courtesy of Fortune magazine we now know the answer - CLOs: that remnant of the credit bubble excess from the mid 2000s, and which has logically made a stunning comeback now that the second credit bubble nearly popped a month ago following a few unprepared remarks by Ben Bernanke, is what JPM is actively funnelling cash into. Yes, the CIO is buying CLOs... With your deposit cash of course.
From Fortune Magazine:
According to several people familiar with the deals, JPMorgan's London chief investment office, which last year lost more than $6 billion betting on credit derivatives, is in the process of inking deals to buy significant portions of collateralized loan obligations, which are structured bonds that are backed by groups of loans to below investment-grade companies.
John Timperio, a lawyer at Dechert who specializes in CLOs, says he is working on two deals right now in which JPMorgan (JPM) is expected to be the main buyer. One is for loans to mid-sized companies, which carry more risk, but higher yields. In another deal, JPMorgan is planning to buy nearly all of the highest-rated piece of the CLO. "It's a fairly large deal," says Timperio. "JPMorgan is back in this market."
As a reminder for those who may have forgotten, CLOs are nothing more than a levered way to make the TBTF circle jerk even TBTFer, as one bank will arrange the CLO (by providing cash to junk-rated firms), tranche it, and then sell it, with other banks almost always picking up the vast majority of the issuance. In doing so, the financial system ends up effectively enmeshing itself in cross-default provisions, and any liability-cum-asset impairment (because one bank's liability ends up being another bank's asset and vice versa in the most phenomenal circle jerk) reverberates and picks up as much speed and destruction as there is leverage in the system. Per Forbes:
Perhaps the most surprising thing about the CLO revival is this: The entities that have emerged as the biggest buyers of the packages of risky bank loans are the banks themselves. JPMorgan holds more CLOs than any of its rivals. In the past two years, the bank has nearly doubled its holdings of CLOs to $27 billion, as of the end of the first quarter, which was the last time it disclosed its holdings. According to its filings, the CLOs were purchased by JPMorgan's chief investment office, which is the unit where Bruno Iksil, who was nicknamed the London Whale, worked. Three people confirmed that JPMorgan manages its CLO portfolio out of its London office. JPMorgan's CIO unit, which invests the bank's excess reserves, is now headed by Craig Delany, who took over for long-time CIO chief Ina Drew, who left shortly after the bank's multi-billion losses were revealed. JPMorgan slowed its CLO purchases in the wake of those losses. But it appears the bank is in the process of ramping up their purchases again.
Why are banks so eagerly returning to the worst practices that led to the credit crisis (aside from Bernanke's zero cost investable and fungible cash)? Two reasons: regulatory arbitrage, and leverage, of course.
Almost everyone in the CLO market, including many bankers, say one of biggest reasons banks are buying CLOs has to do with regulations. Financial reform was supposed to stamp out regulatory arbitrage, in which banks are able to swap one similar asset for another in order to be able to increase their leverage, which generally increases risk.
But that hasn't happened in the CLO market. Under the new capital rules, which were approved by the Federal Reserve in early July, loans to corporations have a risk weighting of 100%. The AAA slices of CLOs, which are the portion of the deals banks typically buy, have a risk weighting of only 20%. That means banks can invest five times as much in CLOs as they can in the underlying high-yield loans with the same amount of capital. The additional funds come from borrowing, which increases a bank's leverage.
In other words, when risk is repackaged as a CLO, it affords the bank 5x more leverage on the underlying equity. As for the ultimate collateral: as noted above it is the security of junk-rated companies - those which have a bad habit of going bankrupt every so often.
So assume a 50 cent recovery on the underlying loan in a standard scenario when the recession comes back and the delayed wave of corporate defaults finally hits, and further assume 5x leverage using the CLO structure: it means a 90% wipe out on invested equity.
As for what is the source of invested equity? Why client deposits of course: deposits which traditionally has been used to match loan growth, and thus have faced far less risk of 100% wipeout. Deposits, which represent a loan by a client to the bank in exchange for interest or what used to be interest before Bernanke came along. Sadly, in the New Normal, a deposit is merely a loan to the bank that retains all of the downside (i.e., full loss net of whatever FDIC protection the government may provide) and none of the upside: something US banks have been quite happy to take advantage of.
Cyprus may have had a forced bail-in, but US banks have a better plan: go all in with deposit capital, and pray for the best. Should a worst case scenario hit, and deposits get a 90% wipe out, then... oh well. It was coming anyway.
And while some $30-40 billion of the CIO cash gambling investing may be accounted for, it means some $400 billion is still "out there."
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SANAA, Yemen - The Yemen-based branch of al-Qaida confirmed on Wednesday that the group's No. 2 figure, a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, was killed in a U.S. drone strike. The announcement, posted on militant websites, gave no date for the death of Saudi-born Saeed al-Shihri. The confirmation was significant, however, because al-Shihri had twice before been reported dead... (1 day ago)
The Yemen-based branch of Al Qaeda says a U.S. drone strike has killed a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who rose to become the group's No. 2 figure. The announcement, posted on militant websites, gave no date for the death of Saudi-born Saeed al-Shihri. In January, Yemen's official SABA news agency had reported that al-Shihri died of wounds from a drone strike three months... (1 day ago)
The Yemen-based branch of al-Qaida says a U.S. drone strike has killed a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who rose to become the group's No. 2 figure. The announcement, posted on militant websites, gave no date for the death of Saudi-born Saeed al-Shihri. In January, Yemen's official SABA news agency had reported that al-Shihri died of wounds from a drone strike three months... (1 day ago)
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CORAL GABLES, Fla. (WSVN) -- An exhibit is allowing golfers of all ages to enjoy the love of the game, even under pouring rain.
The Coral Gables Museum opened a new nine-hole course to bring back the memories of miniature golf.
Miniature golfer Tonie Braswell said, "Just being goofy and just having fun, bumping each other out of the way."
South Florida used to be home to various miniature golf courses in the 60s and 70s.
"People love it. It's a great family activity," said Christine Rupp, Coral Gables Museum Director. "It's inexpensive, and it gets kids away from their devices."
The 9-hole course is not your average course. The course is themed to represent several locations found throughout the city. "We have the Biltmore, we have the Riviera Country Club, the Coral Gables Water Tower, we have a hole that was designed by a local organic farmer," said Rupp.
One hole, which seems to already be the crowd's favorite, includes an? alligator.
The game does require patience. Golfer Steve Zuniga said, "I think I get the angles right, but then I don't. It's kinda like billiards in that regard. I see it, but it doesn't always work out."
With some luck it can work out. Hole in one, through the streets in Paris. I guess it's beginner's luck.
In Coral Gables, Mike DiPasquale, 7News.
For more information visit:
(Copyright 2013 by Sunbeam Television Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)
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Timothy's is hosting a painting party Friday night and over in Peabody, the Painter's Pub is coming to town.
Paint while you sip a glass of wine or a beer?-- it's a concept that's gaining more local traction and showing up in other North Shore communities.Now,?Timothy's at the Village Green, up on Route 1 in Danvers, is hosting its?"Paint 'n Sip" event Friday night. This party includes dancing as well.
The fun starts at 7 p.m. and tickets are $35 per person, which includes admission and necessary painting materials. DJ Scott Sica will be spinning the tunes.
Over in Peabody, the Peabody Cultural Collaborative will host a Painter's Pub party on July 24 from 6-9 p.m. at the ArcWorks Community Art Center.
The registration fee is $40 per person, which includes all supplies, two margaritas and light appetizers. No prior painting skills required.
The Painter's Pub is actually a traveling art party?operated by Peabody middle school teacher and Beverly resident?Erika Sandstrom. You can find more information here.?The local?arts center is a program of Northeast Arc, which is headquartered in Danvers.
The Northshore Mall is also getting in on the Painter's Pub series at several of its restaurants over the next few weeks on Tuesday nights.
The schedule will be July 23 (5:30 p.m.) at Caf? Bistro at Nordstrom, July 30 (6:30 p.m.) at Burtons Grill,?Aug. 1 (6:30 p.m.) at?Scosso Ristorante & Bar and Aug. 6 (6:30 p.m.) at?Joe?s American Bar & Grill.
The cost is?$35 per person.
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By Massimiliano Di Giorgio and Philip Pullella
ROME (Reuters) - An arrested Catholic prelate asked to meet Pope Francis to tell him of irregular activities in the Vatican's financial administration before he was detained on suspicion of money smuggling, according to a judicial document and a legal source.
Monsignor Nunzio Scarano has also written a letter to the pope from his jail cell and given documents to magistrates, a source with direct knowledge of the case said.
Scarano was for years a senior accountant at APSA, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See. Through APSA, he had ready access to the Vatican bank, where he had several accounts and which itself is under pressure from the international financial community to ensure more transparency.
According to a transcript of an interrogation of Scarano on July 8 in Rome's Queen of Heaven jail, obtained by Reuters, the 61-year-old monsignor told magistrates:
"Recently, I had asked for an audience with the Holy Father because I was not satisfied with the way things were going at APSA".
The source said Scarano gave magistrates a file of documents that allegedly show what he considered to be the irregular activities at APSA.
Asked to comment on Scarano's accusations, chief Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said: "There is not much I can say about the reliability of this person. I am sure the magistrates know how to do their job".
The source, who is familiar with Scarano's interrogation, said he was telling magistrates that "he was not the only bad apple" in the Vatican department where he worked.
Scarano, 61, was arrested on June 28 along with an Italian secret service agent and a financial broker. The three are formally accused of plotting to smuggle 20 million euros ($26 million) into Italy from Switzerland for members of a family of ship-owners in southern Italy.
His lawyers say he was only trying to help friends recover their money and had no personal interest in the plot.
Scarano is under separate investigation by magistrates in his home city of Salerno, where he is accused of using his close ties with the Vatican bank to launder money.
Scarano's lawyers deny the accusations, saying all the money in his Vatican bank account was from donations.
However, in other documents obtained by Reuters earlier this month, magistrates depict Scarano as a person who controlled vast amounts of money both in Rome and Salerno and felt he could act with impunity because of his connections.
The Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), as the Vatican bank is formally known, has long been in the spotlight for failing to meet international standards intended to combat tax evasion and the disguising of illegal sources of income.
Pope Francis has set up a commission of inquiry to reform the bank and on Friday announced that he was forming another commission of lay experts to help him overhaul the Holy See's economic and administrative departments.
In her report last month, the judge who ordered Scarano's arrest said he felt safe "thanks to his relations with the Vatican bank".
She said the monsignor saw the IOR as "the only safe and rapid instrument for financial and banking operations that could evade - if not outright violate - laws against money laundering and tax evasion".
Investigators in Salerno started looking into Scarano's financial affairs in January after he called them to report a burglary in his apartment there.
They were startled to see that he lived in luxury and that he valued the stolen art work at up to 6 million euros ($7.85 million).
($1 = 0.7639 euros)
(Additional reporting by Steve Scherer and Antonella Ciancio; Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)
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After BlackBerry's disastrous earnings a couple of weeks back, Nokia and Microsoft have clear bragging rights over third place in the ecosystem war -- but does a bronze medal earn you any cash? The Finnish manufacturer has reported declining Q2 2013 revenues of €5.69 billion ($7.4 billion) compared to the $9.2 billion earned in the same quarter last year. The good news is that the huge financial losses of 2012 seem to be gone, with today's reported loss standing at just €115 million ($150 million), all of which can be laid at the feet of Nokia's devices and services division.
Meanwhile, the company's smartphone sales seem to be growing thanks to fresh Lumia models like the 520, 620 and 720 -- with a total of 7.4 million Windows Phone 8 devices sold in the quarter. While that's a big improvement on the 5.6 million in Lumia sales from Q1 and the 4.4 million sold in Q4 2012, the Asha division saw sales slip down from 5 million last quarter to 4.3 million now. Oh, and if anyone's still in the market for a Symbian handset, better be quick -- the company is reporting that sales of the phones are now "approximately zero."
In other parts of the business, "Here," Nokia's renamed mapping division, lost €89 million ($116 million) while Nokia Siemens Networks made a slender €8 million ($10.4 million) profit. Looking forward, the company has said that it's lowering its future estimates by two percent, saying that dwindling demand, higher operating expenses and "the macroeconomic environment" will all help to erode the company's cash reserves. But hey, at least Microsoft's still kicking in that $250 million in alimony platform support payments.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Nokia
Source: Nokia (.PDF)
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By Ben Blanchard
BEIJING (Reuters) - New sanctions levied on North Korea after its third nuclear test this year risk pushing the country into a further humanitarian disaster by crimping relief efforts, says an aid worker who has just completed a trip to the isolated state.
Washington imposed sanctions in March on the Foreign Trade Bank, Pyongyang's main foreign exchange bank, saying it had helped fund North Korea's banned nuclear weapons program. The measures bar bank dealings by U.S. entities or individuals.
Some European aid groups have said their banks in Europe had stopped sending money to North Korea in the wake of the U.S. sanctions, leaving them scrambling for a solution short of hand-carrying cash into the impoverished country.
Experts say Washington's move aims to make global banks that do business in the United States think twice about dealing with North Korea, in much the same way banks have become wary over ties with financial institutions in sanctions-hit Iran.
But these sanctions risk tipping North Korea over the edge, especially if it is hit by further natural disasters, said Kim Hartzner, managing director of Mission East, a Danish provider of food aid to children that has operations in the country.
"I am seriously concerned about the blockade. I'm seriously concerned about the consequences," Hartzner told Reuters late on Monday, adding that children, pregnant women and the elderly would suffer most from any disruptions to aid programs.
"The country at large is in a state close to economic paralysis."
Natural disasters such as typhoons, heavy rain, or a smaller than expected soybean harvest would pose a tough challenge for aid groups, said Hartzner, after his fifth trip to North Korea since Mission East first gained access to the country in 2011.
"Should this happen again in a situation where stores are low and the rations need to be cut down, I think the inability to speed up the provision of humanitarian assistance could have very drastic effects," Hartzner added.
A famine in the 1990s is estimated to have killed a million North Koreans and experts say chronic food shortages reflect failures in the reclusive country's centralized economic system, which has sapped farm output.
Widespread deforestation since then has made North Korea's farm sector increasingly vulnerable to floods and drought.
North Korea is already under broad United Nations sanctions for its nuclear and missile tests, though humanitarian aid is not supposed to be targeted.
Hartzner said the new measures were hurting the work of his group, one of a handful of foreign non-government organizations allowed to operate in North Korea.
"It is very difficult to operate at the moment and yes, there have been problems in terms of bank transfers and procuring goods," he said.
Mission East has given food assistance to some 50,000 people in North Korea since 2011, and has just finished another program for about 20,000 vulnerable people in South Hwanghae Province.
"It's a very fragile situation. We cannot afford to let down our guard. The time span to intervene and save lives is very, very short if conditions deteriorate further," Hartzner said.
(Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
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NEW YORK (AP) -- A look at the 10 biggest percentage decliners on Nasdaq at the close of trading:
Inteliquent fell 12.5 percent to $7.89.
Verastem Inc. fell 11.1 percent to $15.06.
Regulus Therapeutics Inc. fell 9.6 percent to $9.66.
Mattel Inc. fell 6.8 percent to $43.16.
Marten Transport Ltd. fell 6.2 percent to $16.54.
Geeknet Inc. fell 6.0 percent to $15.95.
MiMedx Group fell 6.0 percent to $5.66.
Female Health Co. fell 5.9 percent to $8.81.
Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp. fell 5.5 percent to $5.83.
Dataram Corp. fell 5.1 percent to $5.22.
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By Laila Kearney
(Reuters) - Workers who postpone retirement are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia known to affect the elderly than those who leave their jobs at age 60, a recent survey of nearly half a million European retirees shows.
The study looked at health and insurance records of more than 429,000 former workers in France and found that the risk of developing dementia declined with each additional year worked beyond an average retirement age, said Carole Dufouil, research director at INSERM, a French government agency in charge of the study.
"Our data show strong evidence of a significant decrease in the risk of developing dementia associated with older age at retirement, in line with the ?use it or lose it' hypothesis," Dufouil said in a statement about the study.
INSERM, in findings presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Boston on Monday, found there was a 14 percent reduction in Alzheimer's detection in workers who retired at age 65 over those who retired at 60.
The research, based on records of people who were living and retired for an average of 12 years by December 2010, also showed that for each additional year a person worked there was an increased delay in the presence of Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia.
Dean Hartley, Director of Science Initiatives at the Alzheimer's Association, called the research a starting point for understanding how delaying retirement might guard against dementia.
He said the study appeared to be an extension of an established belief among medical professionals that intellectual and physical activity helps stave off mental deterioration in the elderly, but cautioned more research was needed.
"What you understand from this observational research is that there's a correlation, but whether it's actually causative is unknown," he said.
"More research will need to be done to physically identify what's actually changing in the brain as a result of delaying retirement," Hartley said, adding that imaging studies and measurable biochemical changes could help map out changes to better understand and prevent the disease.
Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Alzheimer's Association website. About 5.2 million Americans currently live with the disease, with 5 million over the age of 65 diagnosed with Alzheimer's and 200,000 suffering from a younger-onset form of the disease.
(Editing by Cynthia Johnston and David Brunnstrom)
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If you want to get a glimpse of the rich life without having to resort to reality television, you may not have to look as far as you think. Millionaires are everywhere, and their ranks are growing. According to research firm Phoenix Marketing International, 6.1 million U.S. households boast liquid, investable assets of $1 million or more, excluding real estate, retirement plans and business partnerships. That's up about 3% from a year earlier. The number of penta-millionaire households ? with investable assets of $5 million or more ? has grown about 7%.
Because you might not be able to spot these millionaires next door, Phoenix Marketing honed in on their stomping grounds in its 2012 report, which examines wealthy residents of 942 urban areas. You'll find millionaires living in all corners of the nation, though not always concentrated in the big cities you might expect. If you're interested in what it would take to call these folks your neighbors, we found the median incomes and home values of these millionaire-laden locations.
Check out the list of the 10 cities with the highest concentration of millionaires.
Population, household incomes and home values are courtesy of the Census Bureau. The 942 urban areas that Phoenix Marketing ranked are "core based statistical areas," federally defined geographic delineations that include metropolitan areas of 50,000 or more and micropolitan areas, with 10,000 to 50,000 people.
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If your bike ever breaks down and needs minor repairs on the side of the road, would you have what you needed to fix it? Building a small toolkit to hold a few odds and ends can greatly improve your chances.
Bike Hacks shows you how to build a self-contained toolkit out of two plastic water bottles. Essentially, you cut the top off of one to hold your tools, then cut the bottom off another to act as a secure, sliding lid. Then just mount an additional water bottle holder on your bike, and keep the toolkit there for a rainy day. This would also be great for holding your keys, additional batteries for your lights, and your favorite multitool so you're never caught unprepared. For more details, check out the source link.
DIY Water Bottle Tool Holder | Bike Hacks
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Neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman was declared not guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin just two days ago, but one of the six female jurors who made the controversial decision to acquit is already shopping a tell-all book.
Literary agent Sharlene Martin said she signed the juror?known only as B-37 to the media and public?and her husband, who is an attorney, and the pair will soon try to sell a book about her experience during the three-week, televised trial.
Martin told Yahoo News that the juror reached out to her on the advice of a producer from a morning show. The media has been prevented by a court order from reporting on the identities of any of the six jurors. The juror may publish the book anonymously, Martin said in a statement, ?given the sensitivity of the verdict and the outpouring of mixed reactions by the American public.?
Juror B37 was described by the Associated Press as ?a white woman who volunteers rescuing animals? who has two grown children. She and her husband both had concealed weapons permits, but let them lapse. ?During the last round of questioning, she said she had an issue with the type of weapons people are allowed to carry,? according to the AP. ?She also thought weapons' training was inadequate for people seeking permits.?
?My hope is that people will read Juror B37?s book, written with her attorney husband, and understand the commitment it takes to serve and be sequestered on a jury in a highly publicized murder trial and how important, despite one?s personal viewpoints, it is to follow the letter of the law,? Martin said in a statement. ?The reader will also learn why the jurors had no option but to find Zimmerman Not Guilty due to the manner in which he was charged and the content of the jury instructions.?
Martin is also representing the soon-to-be released "PICTURE PERFECT:? The Jodi Arias Story" by Shanna Hogan.
The Orlando Sentinel has filed a request with Judge Debra Nelson asking for a hearing about the jurors' anonymity order.
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5 NFL Teams Already Planning for Next Offseason
1-Arizona Cardinals
2-Buffalo Bills
With a new head coach in Doug Marrone, new quarterbacks on the roster and a talented crop of players on both sides of the ball, Buffalo Bills fans have reason to be excited about their team?s prospects for the future. That said, the transition to being a winning team is unlikely to be immediate in 2013.
While EJ Manuel was a first-round pick in this year?s draft, he is unlikely to follow in the footsteps of the three rookie quarterbacks who led their teams to the playoffs last season. Manuel has the physical tools to be a very good franchise quarterback, but his game is considerably more raw than that of Andrew Luck, Robert Griffin III or even Russell Wilson coming out of college last season.
The addition of Manuel brings definite hope to the Bills for 2014 and beyond, but the quarterback situation continues to look concerning for 2013. Manuel is likely to have his share of rookie struggles should he start, while veteran free-agent addition Kevin Kolb may be a decent stopgap quarterback option but is unlikely to be a significant upgrade over Ryan Fitzpatrick.
The Bills have some significant areas of concern at other positions as well. Outside of wideout Stevie Johnson, the Bills have a lack of proven receiving threats on their offense. They are also weak at the left guard position and do not have a premier pass-rusher opposite Mario Williams.
The Bills appear to be headed in the right direction, but they aren?t ready yet to challenge the New England Patriots in the AFC East. But with a year for Manuel and much of the team?s other young talent to develop and mesh, the Bills have definite potential for playoff contention come 2014.
One area where the Bills are certainly already looking ahead to next offseason is the contract situation of free safety Jairus Byrd. Byrd is currently franchise-tagged by the Bills but remained unsigned as of Saturday night.
The deadline to sign franchise-tagged players to long-term deals is Monday, and a deal with Byrd is unlikely to happen, according to WGR?s Joe Buscaglia. Byrd could end up holding out for part or all of the 2013 season if he chooses not to sign his franchise tender, but the bigger concern for the Bills going forward is securing the status of one of their key defensive playmakers.
If the Bills end up having to replace Byrd next offseason, it will be one more area of still-necessary rebuilding in addition to addressing the team?s pass rush and left guard situations.
although I agree it will be a good chance in 2014 when this team starts to really contend this article seems pretty optimistic on their chances as well..
3-Jacksonville Jaguars
4-New York Jets
5-Oakland Raiders
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New L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti is appointing a new Board of Public Works.
Mayor Eric Garcetti appointed his one-time mayoral rival Kevin James to a key City Hall position Friday, giving him a job as a commissioner on the Board of Public Works. He also filled four other commissioner appointments and named a new deputy mayor.James, who decried City Hall corruption and incompetence during his failed bid for Los Angeles mayor earlier this year, said he would focus on street improvements and sidewalks in his new position.
"It's a chance to get into the nitty gritty of the city," said James, who helped campaign for Garcetti after coming in third in the primary.
The former radio talk show host said he will resign from the Century City law firm where he works to take the commissioner job, which pays more than $136,000 a year. James said he is taking a pay cut to come to City Hall.
In addition to James, Garcetti announced four other Public Works board commissioner appointments.
The others are Mike Davis, the former state Assembly member; Monica Rodriguez, executive for the California Association of Realtors; Matt Szabo, a deputy under Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; and Barbara Romero; a Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority executive..
The commissioners meet three times a week at City Hall. They serve collectively as the general managers of the Department of Public
Works, which oversees city services such as lighting, beautification and street services.Garcetti also announced the appointment of Rick Cole as deputy mayor of budget and innovation, a newly created position.
Cole, the former mayor of Pasadena, most recently served as the former interim chief operating officer at the nonprofit Local Government Commission.
In a statement, Garcetti said Cole "will be a critical asset to my agenda of balancing the budget and making City Hall work better."
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On Friday, prosecutors filed a 977-count indictment against Ariel Castro, the man who allegedly kidnapped and held three women for nearly 10 years in a Cleveland neighborhood. Castro is being charged with 512 counts of kidnapping and 446 counts of rape.
By Andrew Welsh-Huggins,?AP Legal Affairs Writer / July 13, 2013
Ariel Castro, (c.), confers with his attorneys Craig Weintraub, (l.), and Jaye Schlachet during a pretrial hearing in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court in Cleveland, July 3. Castro is accused of holding three women captive for nearly a decade.
Mark Duncan/AP
EnlargeThe litany of charges against a Cleveland man outline in numbing detail the crimes his victims allegedly suffered over 10 years of imprisonment: August 2002, kidnapping. September 2004, kidnapping. November 2006, aggravated murder.
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Christmas Day 2006, rape.
A new 977-count indictment filed Friday provides a painful look at what prosecutors say was a decade of captivity for three women in suspect Ariel Castro's home in a rough Cleveland, Ohio, neighborhood. Among the most serious charges: that he caused the death of one of his victims' fetuses by punching and starving her.
Among the most haunting: that he assaulted the women throughout their captivity, causing psychological harm to them and to the daughter he fathered with one of them through assault. And in another newly unveiled accusation, the indictment also alleges that on the same day that the child was born, Christmas of 2006, Castro raped one of the other women, who had helped deliver the baby.
"Today's indictment moves us closer to resolution of this gruesome case," Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty said in a statement.
Castro, 53, is accused of kidnapping the three women and holding them captive ? sometimes restrained in chains ? along with the 6-year-old girl he fathered.
He is charged with two counts of aggravated murder related to one act, saying he purposely caused the unlawful termination of the pregnancy of one of the women. The new, 576-page indictment also charges him with 512 counts of kidnapping, 446 counts of rape, seven counts of gross sexual imposition, six counts of felonious assault, three counts of child endangerment and one count of possessing criminal tools.
Authorities say the filing covers the entire period that the women were imprisoned, from 2002 until May of this year, superseding an earlier indictment that listed accusations for only some of the years. The indictment does not include charges that could carry a death sentence, but McGinty said he is still reserving that option. Castro will be arraigned on the new charges Wednesday. He is scheduled for trial Aug. 5.
Castro pleaded not guilty to the earlier indictment of 329 counts. A message was left with his attorney Friday seeking comment on the new charges. His legal team has hinted Castro would plead guilty if the death penalty was off the table.
A communications firm representing the women said they would not comment. The women released a three-minute video this week thanking the community for its support.
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An electromagnetic rail gun would use magnetic fields created by electrical currents to accelerate a sliding metal conductor along two rails. Larry Greenemeier reports
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The Pentagon is closer to adding a futuristic new gun to its arsenal, using electricity rather than chemical propellants. It?s called an electromagnetic rail gun.
A rail gun uses magnetic fields created by strong electrical currents to accelerate a sliding metal conductor along two rails. It can hurl projectiles as far as 370 kilometers at speeds of up to 9,000 kilometers per hour. That?s nearly twice as fast as conventional guns.
After testing a couple of different rail guns in recent years, the Office of Naval Research awarded defense contractor BAE Systems $34.5 million to build a new prototype. This next-generation rail gun should overcome its predecessor?s shortcomings by firing multiple rounds and not overheating.
Ship-mounted rail guns would be powered by the vessel?s electrical grid and reduce the amount of combustible material onboard.
With the Navy already preparing to deploy laser-mounted cannons on some of its ships, control of the high seas may soon go to the side that can generate the most energy.
[The above text is a transcript of this podcast.]
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Updated?Jul 12, 2013 9:01 PM ET
Sprint Cup points leader Jimmie Johnson failed a post-qualifying inspection Friday at New Hampshire Motor Speedway.
Johnson, who originally posted the second-fastest lap of 135.902 mph, was disqualified because the front of the No. 48 Chevy was too low on both sides. He will now start 43rd in Sunday's Camping World 301.
After the team had issues passing a pre-qualifying inspection, Johnson was placed on the 5-minute clock by NASCAR, which means he had five minutes to assume his position on the grid without penalty.
In the post-qualifying press conference, Johnson acknowledged, "We cut it close on time.
?I tried to get my heart rate down, took a few deep breaths and fired it off, went off and had a nice lap. The car drove really good and missed it by a few thousandths for the pole.?
Said Chad Knaus, crew chief of the No. 48 Lowe's Chevy: "We had some problems getting through the initial inspection process before qualifying.
"We were able to get it and got the car right, but it just wasn?t exactly right. And we weren?t going to know until after qualifying, once we started to tear it apart, what the problem was. What ended up happening is there was a disassembly issue with the right front, and that?s why the heights were so messed up as we were going through initial inspection. And that came back to bite us there in the end.?
Defending Sprint Cup champion Brad Keselowski won the pole for Sunday's race with a lap of 135.922 mph. Kurt Busch, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Kyle Busch and Jeff Gordon rounded out the top five ? all breaking the previous track record of 135.232 mph.
NASCAR said there would be no further penalties for the No. 48 team.
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