Posted by Armand K. on Monday, September 26, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?
One of my most antic?i?pated games of the year is finally avail?able for down?load in a pub?lic beta for?mat. You can down?load the demo ver?sion which (as far as I can tell) is the full game, but lim?it?ing you to a civ?i?liza?tion level of six. I don?t know what that actu?ally means as I?m sneak?ing this post out while at my day job, and not at home play?ing the demo like I want to be, but I?m sure it will be enough to let you know if it?s worth your?$10.
Even if this ini?tial ver?sion isn?t every?thing you may want it to be, keep in mind Arcen Games are known for sup?port?ing their games years after release, patch?ing, adding con?tent, and being gen?er?ally awe?some about the whole thing. So for a measly $10, you?ll get a large game that is only likely to get bigger.
The game?s fea?tures, which I?ve copied and pasted from the site, are as follows:
- Explore the beau?ti?ful and dan?ger?ous?regions of Env?i?ron in a sprawl?ing adven?ture. Travel through lush coun?try?side, ruined towns, deep?sub?ter?ranean caves, and build?ings of all shapes and?sizes.
- Procedural-generation ensures no two worlds will ever be the same.? Your planet unfolds as you dis?cover it, and once you?ve dis?cov?ered some?thing it becomes part of your Env?i?ron for?good.
- Take com?mand of sur?vivor set?tle?ments. Scout sur?round?ing areas for rare craft?ing mate?ri?als and fend off invaders in the turn-based strate?gic over?lay. Improve res?i?dent pro?duc?tiv?ity and qual?ity of life through the city-building inter?face at each settlement.
- Bring to life an infi?nite amount of char?ac?ters, set?tings and sto?ries. You don?t just rep?re?sent an indi?vid?ual, you rep?re?sent an entire civ?i?liza?tion and its?indomitable?will to sur?vive in a shat?tered?world.
- Every?where has trea?sures to dis?cover, peo?ple to help, and evils to con?front.? Craft a vari?ety of spells, scrolls, and traps to help you on your?way.
- Dur?ing beta, there are new updates nearly every week?day ? packed with addi?tional con?tent, improve?ments, and much?more.
Down?load the demo here.
The main site for the game is here.
And you can buy the game right?here.
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