?A Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) is a food regime where standard meals are substituted with meals, soups, and nutrition bars. Actually, it is intake of very or enormously low regular food for energy in the body instead there are various products which replace normal food and helps to reduce excess weight and maintain a healthy body used for VLCD. After trying once to lose weight with a low-calorie diet, one can observe the effectiveness of very low calorie diet. It, in some cases, seems little difficult to main this diet beginning it, but it results in loss of excess weight and fit body. Low calorie diets are made keeping in mind the total nutrition value and fluid meal having 800 kilocalories for everyday which is proper enough for body. It also includes the optional daily supplies for vitamins, proteins, minerals, and fiber required by the body. Carbohydrate may be completely substituted by a portion of the protein; this change has significant metabolic changes. The dietician can prescribe VLCD to a patient depending on the body mass index (BMI) of a person. People having BMI 30 and more can be recommended with this diet.
Doctors and proficient medical practitioners or health care providers advise the low calorie diet to the patient?s basing on their eating habit, preparation of food, meal model, usual food share capacity, nutritional adequacy, work out and other related issues. Very often feeling hungry is seen among the people who take low calorie diet and to fulfill the hunger, they are suggested to eat raw vegetables and sugar free drinks.
Generally, it is best effective to lose excess body flab or fats which leads to many diseases starting from chronic diabetes to serious cardiac disorders. Obesity leads too many physical problems which include trouble in walking, difficulties in breathing, pain in the knees, increased sweating gallstones. Flabby people are more vulnerable to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and life taking ailments like hardening of arteries, heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Low calorie diet is usually prescribed to severely obese people for the reason of short term weight loss. It is also works efficiently for moderately obese persons. Easily 3 to 5 pounds weight can be reduced on an average in each week with the help of low calorie diet. It helps not only in reducing weight, but Very Low Calorie Diet also abet in lessening a whole host of medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol treatments costs for heart diseases. It is basically great for short term weight loss, however, modest dietary restrictions intended for long term benefits are found to be more effective than that of VLCD.
An amalgamation of VLCD with work out and cognitive-behavioral therapy can offer a long term weight loss advantage. The cognitive-behavioral therapy helps in identify the cause of the problem and guides for corresponding moderation in eating habit. With best fit and healthy body, a VLCD betters the insulin sensitivity and trim down the substrate for gluconeogenesis. Low calorie diet meals are most appropriate for people who are very overweight and don?t want to do or don?t have time exercise regularly. No one should be ashamed or embarrassed about if he or she is has obesity or weight problem. All extra fats can be removed with the help of VLCD and healthy body can be achieved with in short time period.?
Article source: http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/very-low-calorie-diet-vldc-5964771.html
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