Photo courtesy of Pop Montreal
It was promoted as a symposium about David Byrne?s new book, How Music Works, described in a recent Boston Globe piece as ?a buoyant hybrid of social history, anthropological survey, autobiography, personal philosophy and business manual, sometimes on the same page.?
Byrne, the founder of Talking Heads, is among the most influential artists of the past three-plus decades. Also participating was Win Butler, leader of one of the most acclaimed contemporary bands in the world, Arcade Fire. Predictably, there wasn?t a seat to be had at the Ukrainian Federation. It?s safe to say the jubilant ticketholders were expecting such a summit meeting to produce something either profound or at least somewhat fascinating.
It was neither.
Not that the 80-minute exchange, moderated by Sean Michaels of Said the Gramophone, was bad. Byrne and Butler both seemed in an affable mood, swapping thoughts about such matters as the relationship between performer and audience, the connection between religious ritual and rock performance, the way fashion and art intersect, the anonymity of some contemporary hitmakers and the perfect set length. Questions were taken at the end.
But the whole thing lacked a cohesive thread, taking abrupt right turns all over the place and telling us little about either performer. Byrne brought photos that were never particularly connected to the dialogue. Images of Iggy Pop, a Ukrainian wedding and Daft Punk, among others, were shown, supposedly to illustrate points, but to no real apparent purpose.
It was interesting to hear Butler speak of the warring attitude the group had when it first faced audiences and his thoughts about switching the Arcade Fire set list around. Similarly, Byrne?s memories of taking exactly the wrong band to festivals after Talking Heads split up and the reasoning behind his early button-down image were amusing, if not revealing.
But if you wanted to hear about Byrne?s book, let alone listen to some wisdom about its titular topic, you were out of luck.
Bernard Perusse
Twitter: @bernieperusse
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