There is another tale to the story of wonderland. One that exists after Alice has left. The red queen has fallen, but a new evil arises as four kingdoms once lost come to live. Will the Creatures of Wonderland fight back? [ALOT more information inside.]
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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Wonderland: The Deck?. Anything posted here will also show up there.Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.Alright! I'm going to put a list of locations in wonderland so everyone has an idea of where things are and where people are located! Will be up shortly.
If everyone could add their location to their profile when I make the list, that would be great. I didn't think about it.
Alright so here are where the royals are located:
Kingdom of Hearts - Western Side of Wonderland
Kingdom of Spades - Eastern Side of Wonderland
Kingdom of Clubs - Southern Side of Wonderland
Kingdom of Diamonds - Northern Side of Wonderland.
Here are the descriptions of important parts of wonderland so you have a feel for the landscape and ideas of where your characters can go. I will also include another location inside each border;
The West - Usually filled with many dense crowds of forest scattering about it, with rivers and a few lakes dotted between or inside those forests. It is generally a four season area, with different changes in weather but most of the time it has the temperature fall would have ranging from... 30 Degrees to 60 Degrees. Quite a bit of fog also ranges around the forest floors. There are generally a few monsters living in those forests but it is not as bad as other parts of Wonderland, and has a more wide range of creatures due to the subtle climate and variety of plants.
There is a special forest that is also located inside the borders of the Western Side of Wonderland. It is the Great Mushroom Forest, which has all sized of mushrooms growing like trees and shrubs. There are many different types of mushrooms here, some extremely rare and some quite common, used for many things that many of the wonderland natives use. De'laire loves to sneak in here and take as many mushrooms as he can, even though Ruby has been trying to keep thieves out to use these mushrooms for herself or get profit off of people wanting to take some.
The East - There are trees scattered around here, but not as many as the West. Here, there are more swamps and marshes and a few dark patches of sinister looking trees that hold some vicious creatures. The swamps hold many merchants above on stable land and strange fish below, and many people do not venture into these marshes because of the many corpses and bones that can be found laying in the thick water and mud. The weather here is generally humid, and ranges from around 30 degrees to 70 degrees depending on the season and day.
Built over some of the flooded areas of the marshes in the Eastern Area of Wonderland is where the Tea Village lies. (I know it sounds silly, but bear with me.) This is a village that is actually built over the marshes, and the buildings are built to look like teacups and teapots. The marshes hold a special chemical in its waters that is used in tea which this village specializes in making. They also give half of their production to the Kingdom of Spades as sort of paying rent for remaining on Marcus's Land. The buildings are set on wooden platforms that are held up by thick, wooden pillars that are dug deep into the ground of the swamps and marshes. It is almost like a giant boardwalk, and a few times this village has had buildings break and shatter.
The South - This is actually on the edge of a dark ocean that has many cliffs, and the south is more made up of very few tall trees and mostly consists of dark looking fields that mix with lighter shades of plants covering these grasslands. Here, there are mostly ground dwelling creatures and also a few larger hills dotting the border as the ground is stable and used for growing other plants and things. This is also where the rare black thorned rose grows. It's generally a steady temperature of 40 degrees to around 80 degrees, and it switches between being sunny or raining.
This is also where The Hatter Village remains. It is in ruins, but is slowly being rebuilt as the few remaining hatters and the secret rebellion has built secret bases and tunnels underneath near the border that reaches into the Center of Wonderland, father away from the Kingdom of Clubs. This is near a small stretch of thorn trees that the Rebellion uses as cover where using to get over into the Center of Wonderland which is neutral. The ruins makes up a small circle with broken houses and shops, some of which are being occupied by poor residents of Wonderland as they fight off intruders. The Princess of Clubs has not yet tried to attack the village, thinking it doesn't hold any threat. For now.
The North - This is the most desolate part of Wonderland. Covered in snow smothered mountains and more blankets of cold ice that make up the ground, a few pined trees grow here but mostly it's never above 20 degrees in this part of Wonderland as it snows constantly and the people who live here are usually more underground to get more heat. Clouds usually block the sun, and the creatures who live here are large and covered in fur, some vicious and some that are rarely seen. There is one tree that grows here which is a tree that is white and its leaves are made of a fur substance.
In the far North of Wonderland, there is a lake called The Black Lake. This lake is completely frozen and has been for centuries, but that does not mean that below the thick ice there aren't rare gems lying at the bottom of this lake. But the water is thick and gray, and even as people manage to drill through the ice, they end up drowning inside these icy waters and the larger creatures living inside get their dinner quite easily. Some people in the north come here to fish for food since not much grows, and sometimes, they catch the rarer creatures that they sell to the Kingdom if Diamonds. But as the kingdoms take more resources away, more people are getting desperate to try and swim to the bottom of the lake to grab the gems that lay on the bottom.
The Center - The center is where neutral ground is, and where most of the population of Wonderland creatures trying to avoid Royal Rule hide. It is a mix of fall and spring like weather, and it rains often here as well as shows a bit of sun as The Wonderland Gardens grow here. The Wonderland Gardens is a large garden made up of many different plants and flowers and strange growth that is breath taking and amazing to see. It has black fence around it, and inside are many different things like benches, chess boards, and even a tiled patch for dancing. The grass is extremely green and this is also where the talking flowers grow, and where the legendary Caterpillar resides.
The Dealer's Lair - I thought it important to mention where the dealers usually reside. Now, the dealers are located within parts of the top part of the Eastern Border, near the lower and warmer mountains of the North. Hidden by jagged rocks and peaks and a few dark trees, they have made their home within a manor they created cloaked by magical properties. They do jump around Wonderland with ease, usually making their way into the Western Side of wonderland where another forest is located, The Forest of Mayhem which is generally an area near the bottom of the Northern border where many dark criminals and evil creatures hide. Inside this forest is also a dark, run down pub where De'laire gloats and often kills a few people each time he visits. They do migrate often to spy and to gather, but their main location is within these dark rocks and small mountains near the Northern border.
The Wonderland Caverns - This is where the Wonderland King was taken and trapped when he was over thrown. The caverns can be found near the Kingdom of Clubs, where the caves are literally in the side of the cliffs and go under part of the Southern border and stretch all the way towards the West and the Center of Wonderland. The Caverns are rumored to be filled with books and maps, many old artifacts of Wonderland are said to sustain anyone who is down there. Perhaps...the King is not dead after all... But no one has been able to find these caverns. Only the ones who truly need it will ever find it.
Last edited by DarlingRapture on Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.-
DarlingRapture - Member for 0 years
Also, if you want your character (residents and creatures only) to live somewhere not on the map, or create a small location or a description of their house and where it is located, you can post it here or pm me and I will add it. I encourage you to do so since our own Princess of Clubs is going to work on a map with me.
You can tell I'm dead serious on this. Lawl.
DarlingRapture - Member for 0 years
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