Analysis of the notes titled
Management in the 21st Century by Tom Brown.
? Daniel Wren in ?The Evolution of Management Thought? states to ?Manage? resources effectively is a concept which states back to the Babylonian King, Hammurabi. Even so long back, he had played the role of a manager as he issued 282 laws that governed business dealings, personal behavior, interpersonal relationships, wages, punishments, and societal matters. Wren includes the evolution of management to more familiar names like Chris Argyris, Henry Ford, John Kotter, Elton Mayo and William Whyte.
? Even as early as 600 BC, The Chinese General Sun Tzu struggled to get things done ? Simply, Effectively, Correctly and Immediately.
? The Oxford English dictionary starts the history of Management as early as 1598.
? It was only in 1813 where Robert Owen, the first authority cited in Classics in Management complied a collection of excerpts from the thinkers who most influenced the profession during the formative years.?Even in those days Owen was aware of the potential profits from an investment in new technology, money expended, he says for the chance of increased gain.
? In his 1813 address Owen implored ?to consider whether a portion of your time and capital would not be more advantageously applied to improve your living machines??. He argued that a healthy synergy of workplace conditions (including state-of-the-art technology) and work place humanism (care and attention to living instruments) would yield unheard of profits.?Owen believed staunchly and promulgated this fact to the manufacturers that by following his advice, they too would see many returns of ?not 5, 10 or 15%, for your capital so expended but often 50 and in many cases a 100% increase. He felt the essential challenges for all managers were in 3 distinct issues: Technology, people and profits. Balancing these three elements would result in the winning combination.
? The management gurus who followed Owens management philosophy include The Principles of Scientific Management author Frederick Winslow Taylor, General Principles of Management author Henri Fayol, Freedom and Coordination author Mary Parker, The Social Problems of of an Industrial Civilization author Elton Mayo.
? Management may not be rocket science but it is indeed complex.
? The elements of culture ? Economic variables, Social Norms, Politics and so on have impacted manager?s decisions.
? Jack Welch in his book ?Straight from the Gut? stated: ?In 1981, I said I wanted GE to become the most competitive enterprise on earth?.In the end, I believe we created the greatest people factory in the world, a learning enterprise with boundary-less culture.?
? July 22nd 2001, The New York Time ran an article by Margo Jefferson focusing on the drama world asked some really interesting questions. The article was titled ?How can the Theatre make itself Matter again.? She replied by stating, Theatre needs new work. It has to catch something of the way we live and now, take in the facts and sensation, show us our minds and bodies as they react and realign themselves. And theater needs to take more risks. Jeffersons words would be very applicable to the business world if the word ?theater? is replaced with ?management?.
? Joanne Ciulla in her book ?The Working Life? states, ?Too many people can?t choose when to go to work and what to do at work. They do not deliberate on management policies or decide how to do the task at hand. Worst of all, many still can?t plan for the future because they don?t know if they will have a job.?
? In ?Blood, Sweat & Tears? Richard Dowkins spent 6 years researching the same subject related to the working life of employees. He stated, ?The more I write, the more I ask myself this recurring question, why on earth do we do it?? He further expresses his confusion by stating ?The craziness is that some of these highly paid individual are working such long hours that they rarely have the opportunity to step outside their jobs and enjoy a moment?s leisure.?
? In the 2007 published book focusing on ?Burnout? Christian Maslach and Michael Leiter stated, ?Burnout is reaching epidemic proportions among North American workers today. It is not so much that something has gone wrong with us but rather that there have been fundamental changes in the workplace and the nature of our jobs. The workplace today is a cold, hostile, demanding environment, both economically and psychologically?.People are becoming cynical, keeping their distance, trying not to let themselves get too involved.?
? Bill Jensen in his book ?Work 2.0? states, ?people (and managers) need to stop thinking about organizational productivity and start thinking about personal productivity?
? Thomas Steward of Fortune and author of ?The Wealth of knowledge? states, ?The modern corporation like modern art, is over. The postmodern corporation is different. It?s more accurate and more useful to think of employees in a new way: not as assets but as investors. Shareholders invest money in our companies; employees invest time, energy, and intelligence.?
? Royal Dutch / Shell?s long time employee, Arie de Geus stated in Business Minds, ?Companies have become trapped in the prison of economic language, which is why so many companies suffer premature deaths?.Companies tend to die early because their leaders and executives concentrate on production and profit and forget that the corporation is an institution?.a community of human beings.?
? Body Shops founder, the late Anita Roddick controversially believed that business was a ?jungle where only the vicious survive?.
? Margaret Wheatley in her book ?Leadership and the New Science? stated that ?management today was stuck?. She added, ?If we don?t? change the way we manage business in the next 10 years, we?re dead?.
? Management thinkers W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne asks top executives on simple question, ?Why would the best people in the world want to work for your company??
? Stanford Professors, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Stutton who wrote the book ?The Knowing-Doing Gap? attacking managerial schizophrenia whereby they highlighted the core ? why so many managers are so knowledgeable about what achieves great performance yet do things which are contradictory to it.
? Interestingly in the 1960?s publication of ?The Human Side of Enterprise? Douglas McGegor stated, ?Fads will come and go. The fundamental fact of man?s capacity to collaborate with his fellows in the face-to-face group will survive the fads and one day be recognized. Then, and only then, will management discover how seriously it has underestimated the true potential of its human resources.?
? Juan Enriquez eloquently put it in his book ?As The Future Catches you?, ?You can stand on the sidelines and assume fate will guide things?.(God willing?.Si Dios Quiere?.Insha?Allah?..Shikatta ga nai?) Or you can help yourself, your family, your company and country navigate?.This wondrous and scary adventure.?
? Email and Internet are two technological forces that have altered the job of a manager. The question now arises, how do you manage the ?virtual employees? or how to protect your corporate data, which is being accessed by your employees and which is priceless.
? Juan Enriquez, in his role as the director of the Life Sciences Project at Harvard Business School, put up the thought provoking question as to how advances in the Human Genome project would impact business.
? Technology is now proceeding at a pace that may quickly outstrip management?s ability to decide what to do with what we are so rapidly learning how to do.
? Robert Heller and Time Hindle noted in ?Essential Manager?s Manual?, ?A full understanding of what makes people perform well and of the problems that may affect performance in the workplace is therefore essential for any manager. He or she will need to employ a wide range of skills, both interpersonal and professional, in order to resolve these problems.?
? There are many challenges that still haunt management circles for instance, how to transfer an excellent manager?s expertise to another company or industry, even with the growth of e-commerce one has not been able to replicate e-relationships or even with the growth of merit, still many work uninspired with no focus on the mission of the company in connection to their own goals.
? Management in the 21st century is still incomplete and imperfect. Someone needs to address the issues at hand. How do you know that person is not you?
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