Generating website traffic to your website must be your focus if you are seriously looking forward to making money from your online business. Traffic, for those who are new in online business, refers to your website visitors or people who come to your website when they do a keyword research. Your website is your online store where you display products for sale. To sell your products you need to drive so many people to your online business. The tools you use to do this are what I will refer to in this article as website traffic generators.
Website traffic generators are called so just because they generate or create traffic, which you need to do business. Traffic is very important to your online business. It?s your business?s life blood. No business can ever survive without customers. Your customers are among those visitors that come to your website, just like when people come to your conventional store to either buy or to do window shopping. The more people you receive, the more you are likely to make a sale. It?s the same thing with your online business. You need people to come to your online store (your website) to make a sale. These people are technically referred to as website traffic.
Creating website traffic takes a lot of time and effort. This is one reason you should not be tricked with scams who promise you to make money overnight from their programs. It requires you to put in time and effort. I repeat, you must spend time and put in a lot of effort to drive a steady stream of website traffic to your online business. It requires you to be self-disciplined, self-motivated, having good organizational skills, having a positive attitude and paying attention to detail to generate enough website traffic.
To generate a lot of traffic to your website, you have to get your link to as many sites as you can. Secondly, you have to work towards having your website listed among the top, preferably on the first page when one does a keyword research using your main website keywords. These are the two most important aspects on which you should always focus on.
There are 3 major website traffic generators which include having an affiliate program, search engine optimization (SEO) and article writing. Now let me explain a little bit further how these three website traffic generators create traffic.
1. Having an affiliate program.
Having your own affiliate program is a sure way of generating thousands of links to your website. When people join your affiliate program, they link to your website and this eventually drives the people who visit their sites to your website. Remember that having so many links on many other sites generates traffic to your website.
2. Article marketing.
Writing articles is a wonderful website traffic generator. When you write articles and publish them on the internet through online directories, you create so many links to your website. When people read your articles and find them useful, they follow the link in your resource box to your site to read more information. Articles generate free targeted traffic and play a primary role in improving your website search engine ranking. Article marketing is my number one link and website traffic generator.
3. Search engine optimization (SEO)
SEO is a term used to refer to the various processes or procedures through which you work to improve your website?s visibility in the search engine result pages (SERPs). Search engines are websites that move around the internet looking for new webpages to rank. When search engines move around the internet, they scan website pages on any website in search of specific keywords or keyword phrases. When visitors do a keyword search at any search engine like Google, Bing, Ask and Yahoo, the results they get are displayed on numerous pages referred to as SERPs.
In order for your website to be ranked on the first page, which should be your primary target, you have to optimize your website?s pages. When people come looking for information and enter the keywords you used on your website, they are able to visit your site only when you are on the first page. Most people always stop at the first or second page and they get what they want. If your site is located deep inside hundreds of pages, believe me you will never get any visitors through search engines. Think search engine optimization to drive free targeted website traffic to your site.
For instance, the keyword phrase for this very site is ?Great Home Business Ideas?. If you searched at Google this keyword phrase, you would find this site on the first page. Even when you enter ?home business ideas? or ?home business? you will still find it on the first page out of probably one to five billion results or SERPs. Always monitor Google ranking for your website keywords to remain focused. What?s your Google ranking?
As I conclude, I would like to remind you that if you want to succeed in your online business, make sure you focus on link building and search engine optimization. Build links through having affiliate programs, article and forum marketing. Optimize your website pages and articles to drive free targeted traffic to your site. Think link building, think article marketing and think search engine optimization. Focus mostly on the 3 highlighted website traffic generators! You will win!
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