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Scuba Diving Best Practices Advice From The Pros | Topics Info ...

People that scuba dive around the globe find this sport to be extremely enjoyable and fun. If you like going into the water, especially if you enjoy snorkeling, you will absolutely love scuba diving as your next sport to master. If you can locate a certified dive shop in your area, more than likely there are certified scuba instructors that can help you out. Although you can read about this sport, you need to take lessons and actually do it. One way to get better at diving is to locate dive masters that can help you with their experience and knowledge. Those that want to learn more can always take advanced courses that are available after you have learned the basic information. The following will present tips and suggestions that you should consider, specially if you plan on spending a lot of time diving during the summer. For those of you that need eyesight modification thereby are having trouble looking over this page, look into purchasing a set of reading sunglasses that will help see better.

One issue that novice divers have is choosing the right amount of diving weights to use when they first start out scuba diving. When a person has too much weight, which is called being ?overweighted?, the diver will find himself sinking too easily which can cause many issues. This common problem with weights actually prompted someone, a very clever inventor, to make a device called a buoyancy compensator. Diving with this device, however, does not exactly lead to a productive or positive manner of diving. Dramatic depth changes while using the BC can provide many complications and problems because you are overweighted. Those that wear a SCUBA wetsuit on deep dives will notice a definite change in the level of buoyancy that they have. Once this occurs, you will not be able to enjoy your dive and may have to resurface to fix the dilemma. There are classes that you will need to take to become qualified with PADI certification, and they will go over the same things many times. Some things that could be life-threatening you will be taught, and you must never forget them. Whenever you have a cold, you should not plan on diving. Having congestion from a cold causes problems normally, but underwater it could be deadly. Having a cold, or being on medicine for a cold, can cause a problem known as ?reverse squeeze?, which happens when you are coming up after diving. No matter what the situation, if you have a cold, do not dive.

Another tip to follow is to always begin equalizing prior to your descent in the water. The way that you do this is by accomplishing the Valsalva maneuver which is used by most divers to clean up their ears. More than likely, even if you do not dive, you have done this before. You simply pinch your nose, and then blow through your nose as gently as possible. It is best to do the Valsalva maneuver prior to going into the water for your dive.

What this does is helps equalize the pressure in your ears, something that should not be done while on the dive itself. Doing this ahead of time simply makes equalizing the pressure in your ears much easier. Scuba diving is not like any other sport and may be a bit scary for some people. As well, most people are not able to dive as often as they might like. Anyway, there are quite a few folks who manage to find a way to take advantage of the sport even though they are not close to any water source.

Source: http://www.topics-info.com/recreation-sports/scuba-diving-best-practices-advice-from-the-pros

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